Pack Heavy → Chase Light

At Db, we believe that by going into the world, we come back better people, and our YouTube series, Pack Heavy, Chase Light, is the ultimate proof of concept.

Spanning three seasons, and over 35 episodes, PHCL is a deep dive into world of surfers, snowboarders, artists, creatives and storytellers. Their jobs are all completely different, yet they’re all connected through a shared stance on creativity. Not a single person who has featured on PHCL has had a conventional route to success. Instead, they’ve taken the back roads and followed their own vision of the future. You can’t apply for any of the careers these folks have because most of them just threw caution to the wind, said f_ck it, and went after their dreams.

Over the course of a three year project, Sam Moody (Creator) and Hallvard Kolltveit (Producer) work their way around the world exploring alternative creative paths and askinghow. Each episode is a charming insight into life against the grain, and leaves you with a little fire in your belly to pursue what you were always told not to.


Christa Funk

Christa Funk

“The Photography line up and hierarchy at pipeline is a really complex system. It’s about seniority and just how much time you put in. C...

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Benjamin Ortega

Benjamin Ortega

“There is a massive misconception around vlogging. I think because it’s selfie-style people think it’s selfish. They don’t see it as cre...

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Timothy Myers

Timothy Myers

Over the course of Timothy Myer's impressive career, he has witnessed and filmed an era of pandemics, wars in Syria, a Trump presidency,...

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