Behind the scenes

The World Ajar

The World Ajar

There was a time in my life when I traveled so much that, when I bumped into friends at random places around the globe, it barely g...

Read More 08/01/2022
Baking Bread

Baking Bread

When the world is open and bank accounts are swollen and passports have fresh pages, boredom is cured beyond our walls. We find stimulati...

Read More 07/01/2022
Lukewarm Coke

Lukewarm Coke

Beautiful strangers? I’ve known more than I deserve.I once met a guy in a cab from Mali to Guinea and, when we arrived at our destination...

Read More 06/01/2022
Perspective Powerslide

Perspective Powerslide

I’m reading Sapiens right now. It’s a good book, but dense. I probably won’t finish it. Anyway, the author does a great job at framing hu...

Read More 06/01/2022
In Common

In Common

In Common In the first note I wrote for Db I recommended Sebastian Junger’s Tribe, and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Especially t...

Read More 05/01/2022
Beautiful Strangers

Beautiful Strangers

Last week I went to the grocery store like I was gonna rob the joint. I had a mask over my face, gloves on my hands and a steely focus on...

Read More 04/01/2022
The Wind-Up

The Wind-Up

Did you ever play with wind-up toy cars as a kid? The ones where you’d twist the winder and then let it go? If you wound them up a little...

Read More 03/01/2022
Dream On Dreamer

Dream On Dreamer

You’re probably reading this at home. It’s where I’m writing you from. (Hi.) Millions of other people around the world are here, too.Home...

Read More 01/12/2021