Destinationbetween with Sam Moody

First off, what do you do?
Well I guess more people would call me a cinematographer, maybe?
You live a life pretty much always moving. What does home mean for you?
Honestly it's a super cheesy answer but home is wherever my partner is, she's currently in school at Oxford so for now, I'm "living" in Oxford, UK. I'm technically homeless though, since I'm on the road most of the year I would rather put that money towards my work rather than wasting it on rent. My last apartment in California was a glorified storage unit.
When your on the road there’s always so many temptations. Do you have any tips on how to focus when you need to get the boring stuff done?
What would you categorize as "the boring stuff"? If by boring stuff you're referring to editing? On the road I absolutely love editing, you've been out all day shooting and you're exhausted so editing now becomes this amazing moment in your day to decompress, eat candy, listen to music, and help reset/get ready for the next day. Also what's better than seeing what you shot come to life?
What do you always bring on your travels?
Besides camera gear and the bare clothing essentials, I always bring my running shoes and clothes for exercising. Everywhere I go I really work hard on taking time to go for a run or do something active, helps me deal with any anxiety or frustrations that inevitably occur while traveling and working.
What would you tell yourself as a teenager?
Ehhh just skip school today, the waves are good, you suck at math anyways. Just go surf.
Which is your favourite destination?
I still don't know yet, I've had places I love but I haven't traveled enough to have a favorite yet.
What would you tell people who would like to follow your path?
Never say "no", still to this day I almost always say "yes" when it comes to work. You never know what that random job will bring and you never know who you may meet or who you may work with. You learn the most when you're encountered with new situations. (sorry I had trouble with this one)
Have you studied?
Well I tried... kind of... I tried going to art school but dropped out about a month into school.
What was your first job?
This surf trip to Nicaragua, I actually almost died on that trip haha. Long story short I was shooting from a boat and it capsized and I dislocated my shoulder, broke 4 ribs, and lost all of my camera gear. Hey at least the boat didn't completely sink.
Which stuff brings creativity to you?
I'm still not sure, I could be doing the most random day to day activities and ideas will just hit me out of nowhere. Sometimes if I'm home I'll run to my computer and make that quick edit or I can't do that, I'll write a note so I can remember for later.
Do you have any packing trick that you use while always on the move?
Gummi bears make for great padding with your cameras. Just stuff a couple bags of candy in between some lens or harddrives and you'll be good to go.
What was the funniest thing that happened to you while in an airport? If not to you, maybe something you witnessed?
Coming back from Africa I had a 17 hour flight from Johannesburg to NYC. A friend (Ashton Goggans) gave me a sleeping pill, I slept for 17 hours straight, well the funny part is that I farted the entire flight, to the point to where when I woke up other passengers had actually moved seats. The 2 rows behind, in front, and to the sides of me were emptied, except for Ashton. He still is mad at me for this I think.
What’s your favorite time of the year to go on trips?
This would actually be the opposite of going on a trip but going back home during late summer/fall is probably my favorite thing in the world. Nothing beats the south in early fall, still warm enough to surf in shorts, leaves are changing colors, the tourists have gone home, I'm smiling while writing this because it makes me so happy.
How did your first camera setup look like?
Actually I found a photo of it (I'll attach it), when I first got it I was in hawaii and people were taking photos of me filming and making fun of me for the camera because it was pretty massive. I mean kind of silly to make fun of people for their cameras but it's whatever. People are silly.
Would your friends describe you as a moody person?
Ok everyone says I'm grumpy but I'm really not! I swear!