Behind the scenes

Hi from Portland
There’s nothing better than kicking off a new year with 11 days on the road with friends, covering 5 states, 6 campaign shoots, and wrapp...

New Year, New Targets
The new year brings with it the opportunity to start afresh. New goals, resolutions, targets for the year, call them what you will, we a...

Growing a brand. It takes a village.
I’ve always been a believer in setting goals. It's generally something I try to do personally in the week between Christmas and New Year...

Truls’ Corner
Thank you, for 2022. Recently on stage, I was asked about my favorite moment from 2022. I turned silent for what felt way too long in a...

Db x Sage Kotsenburg
You’ll have noticed that when it comes to ambassadors, we’ve been making a few changes to our set up over the last couple of years. As w...

Winter starts now, you ready?
Like us, you’ve probably seen it going off at prime park in Austria or up in Saas Fee and its got us all at Db pretty excited for winter...

Db x Safeback Announce Partnership
Db and Safeback are designing the world’s first backcountry vest integrating the Safeback SBX avalanche survival system. As two Scandina...

A week in France
A few weeks ago, we launched our Pack Heavy, Chase Light campaign on the beaches of France at Wasted Talent. We joined by friends, ambas...

Worried and stressed passengers
There's one thing I have never understood whilst traveling. Well, there’s plenty of things but one that I am every time without fail lef...

Tugging at the Velcro
Getting started isn’t always so easy. There’s a certain discipline, a mindset that’s required, not to mention a considerable amount of ph...

Reasons to keep moving
Curiosity. It’s what stands in the way of sitting still, staying put, being present. We’re compelled to move, to act, to go see. After al...

Follow up every lead, (especially if you work in marketing)
I know, I know. Your email box is likely full, you get random calls from people who want free products and the company IG and Tik Tok i...